Our family has had many soldiers. There are, most likely, more than those listed here. These are the soldiers for whom I have found proof of service. Some of these names have links to more information. Thanks to all those soldiers who helped to build & defend our country.
Our family’s French and Indian War Soldiers (1754 – 1763):
Our family’s Revolutionary War Soldiers (1775 – 1783):
- Jacob Alford, b 1737 VA, Private NC Militia
- James Alford, b 1741, Private NC Militia
- Lodwick Alford, c 1707 – c 1800, Granville Co. Militia, NC
- Charles Brumfield, c 1745 – c 1820
- John Brumfield, 1750 – 1845, Served with Col. Francis Marion
- Reuben Brumfield, b c 1749
- Richard Dillon, 1745 – 1833, served under Cpt Faulk & General Gregory in NC
- David Faulkenberry, 1746 – 1841, S Carolina, under Cpt. Canenton
- John Faulkenberry, c 1740 – 1815, SC under Cpt. Richard Singleton
- Elijah Hollis, Captain SC Militia
- Moses Hollis, c 1728 – c 1794, SC Militia
- John Hollis, b 1751, Captain SC Militia
- William Hollis, b 1755, served under Col. Francis Marion
- Heinrich Keck, 1710 – 1786
- William S. Kelly, 1739 – 1826, Private North Carolina Militia
- John Kennington, bc 1745
- Jacob Ott II 1755 – 1820, served under Col. Francis Marion
- Casper Ritter 1747 – 1824, Corp 4th Batt Northampton Co PA Militia
- Johannes Ritter, Sr., 1743 – 1816, Lancaster Co. PA Militia
- Martin Ritter, 1749 – 1827 Serg 1st Batt Northampton Co PA Militia
- Jeremiah Smith, Sr. b 1755, SC Militia
- Johannes Jonas Wolf, 1739 – 1787, York Co. PA Militia
Our family’s War of 1812 Soldiers (1812 – 1815):
- Edwin Barksdale Alford, 1792 – 1878, Private, Bickman’s Co, 13th LA Inf
- Julius C. Alford, 1798 – 1880, Private, LA Militia
- Needham J Alford, 1789 – 1869, Private, LA Militia
- Daniel Brown, b 1779, Private, 13th Reg MS Militia, Nixon’s Regiment
- Edward Brown, b 1775 NC, MS Militia
- Moses Brown, 1777 – 1838, Private, 13th Reg. MS Militia, Nixon’s Regiment
- Charles Brumfield, 1796 – 1870, Private 12 & 13 consolidated Reg LA Militia
- Davis Brumfield, 1795 – 1863, Private, 12 & 13 consolidated Reg LA Militia
- Fleming T Brumfield, 1795 – 1843, Private, LA Militia
- Ridley Brumfield b. 1798, Corporal 12 & 13 consolidated Reg LA Militia
- William Brumfield, 1790 – 1868; Sgt., 12 & 13 consolidated Reg LA Militia
- Willis Brumfield, 1794 – 1833; Corporal, 12 & 13 consolidated Reg LA Militia
- Brothers, Clarkston, Willis & Theophilous Dillon, 13th MS Regiment
- William Durham Kelly, 1783 – 1868, Private, Wm. Russell’s mounted gunmen, TN
- Sims Kelly, 1784 – 1860, Private, Wm. Russell’s mounted gunmen, TN
- William Jasper Fortenberry, bc 1772 – 1842, South Carolina Militia
- Jacob Ott III, 1774 – 1836, Private, LA Militia
- Joel Ott, 1792 – 1879, Private, LA Militia
- Jeremiah Smith, Sr., 1773 – 1843, Sgt., Capt. Bond’s Mounted Riflemen, MS Militia
Our family’s Mexican-American War Soldiers (1846 – 1848):
- Benjamin Gerard Kelly, Co. I, 1787 – 1808, Alabama Militia Infantry
- James H. Kelly, 1812 – 1905 Co E, Alabama Militia Infantry
- Samuel Camp Kelly, 1825 – 1891, Co. I, Alabama Militia Infantry
- William Clark Kelly, 1815 – 1864, Co. I, Alabama Militia Infantry
- Allen Spurlock, Jr., 1809 – 1849, Private, MS Rifles
- James Spurlock, 1820 – 1848, Private MS Rifles Killed at Duty
Our family’s Civil War Soldiers, Union (1861 – 1865):
- Aaron Brown, 1822 – 1904, Colonel in 3rd Reg., Iowa Infantry
- Thomas Jefferson Mark 1840 – 1963, 118 Reg., CoE Ohio Vol Inf
- John Mark, 1842 – 1862, 16 Reg., Co C OH Volunteer Infantry
- William Mark, 1844 – 1904, 195 Reg., Co I OH Vol Infantry
- Marion Mark, b1848, 16 Reg – 114 Reg. OH Vol Infantry
- David Ritter, 1842 – 1863, 16 Reg., Co A, OH Volunteer Infantry
- John W S Wolf ,1841 – 1908, 120 Reg, Co D, OH Vol Infantry
- Joseph Wolf, 1844 – 1924, 120 Reg, Co D, OH Volunteer Infantry
Our family’s Civil War Soldiers, Confederate (1861 – 1865):
- Barnabas Seaborn Alford, 1845 – 1928 MS Calvary
- John Waddell Alford, 1842-1863, CoC 3rd LA Calvary Wingfields
- Joseph Seaborn Alford, 1845 – 1908, 26 Regiment LA Infantry
- Joseph Warren Alford, 1816 – 1878 LA Calvary
- Julius Newton Alford, 1838-1916, CoC, 3rd LA Calvary Wingfields
- Needham Edwin Alford, 1845 – 1937, LA Infantry
- Seaborn L Alford, 1844-1919, Co A & K 3rd LA Calvary Wingfields
- Seaborn S Alford MD, 1834 – 1906, Co C 3rd LA Calvary, Wingfields
- Sebastian Alford, bc 1830, CoC, 3rd LA Calvary, Wingfields
- James P Brown, 1844 – 1862, Pvt Co E, 22nd Reg, MS Volunteers
- Andrew Jackson Brumfield, 1830-1865, CoK 38 Reg MS Calvary
- Barksdale Wade Brumfield, 1822 – 1884, Pvt. CoC & K, 3rd Wingfields, LA Calvary
- Elisha Kelly Brumfield, 1840-1911, CoK 38 Reg MS
- George A. Brumfield, 1844 – 1877, Pvt., Co K, 38 MS Calvary
- George W. Brumfield, 1830-1865, CoK. 38th MS Calvary
- Henry Sims Brumfield, 1835 – 1915, Cpt Brent Rifles, 38th Regiment
- Isaac K. Brumfield, b 1843, Pvt. CoK. 3rd Wingfields, LA Calvary
- Isaac Nelson Brumfield, 1823 – 1909, Pvt., Co K., 3rd LA Calvary
- James Monroe Brumfield, 1843 – 1899, Pvt. 38 Reg MS Calvary Co K
- Jessie Alexander Brumfield, 1838 – 1910, 3rd LA Calvary Wingfields
- Jesse Kelly Brumfield 1836 – 1928, Sergeant 38 Reg MS Calvary Co K
- Jesse Marion Brumfield, 1843 – 1891, Pvt., Co K., 10 MS Infantry
- John Brumfield, 1830 – 1896, Pvt., Co K., 38 MS mounted infantry
- John D. Brumfield 1842 – 1903, Col J H Wingfield’s Reg. LA Calvary
- Martin Penn Brumfield 1837 – 1862, 9th LA Infantry, Co I, Rifles
- Nathaniel G. Brumfield, 1831 – 1862, MS Infantry
- Oscar Hope Brumfield b 1841 – 1922; 46th MS Infantry
- Thomas Meredith Brumfield, 1837 – 1923, Pvt., Co B., 1 MS Light Artillery
- Thomas W. Brumfield 1842-1930, CoA 3rd LA Calvary Wingfields
- William Henry Harrison Brumfield 1841-1931, Sgt. CoK. 38 MS Calvary
- William L Brumfield bc 1831, CoC & K, 3rd LA Calvary Wingfields
- Willis Nathaniel Brumfield 1834-1895, CoK 38 Reg MS Calvary
- John Pearson Dillon, c 1834 – 1862, Co A Garland’s Battalion, MS Calvary
- Labon W. Dillon c 1829 – 11 Nov 1862, Pvt. Co D, 11 Battalion, Inf.
- Rimson S. Dillon, b 1825
- Willis R. Dillon 1834 – 1862, Pvt. Co K, MS 28 Calvary Regiment
- Jesse C Faulkenberry 1836 – 1862, Pvt. Co E., 12th SCVI
- Barksdale Wade Fortenberry 1822-1884, 3rd LA Cal Wingfields
- Burrell Taylor Fortenberry 1820 – 1863, Pvt 9th Louisiana Calvary
- George Washington Fortenberry 1842-1910, CoI 38 Reg MS Calvary
- William F Fortenberry 1840-1906, CoC 3rd LA Calvary Wingfields
- William Jackson Fortenberry 1838-1911, CoD 7th MS Infantry
- Samuel Camp Kelly 1825-1891, Confederate Army
- Samuel Edward Ott, 1830 – 1922, Pvt Co E, 14th Confederate Calvary
- Ancil Green Smith 1845 – 1862, Pvt. 38 Reg MS Calvary Co K
- Arnold Jasper Smith, 1841 – 1862, Pvt. Co H, 7th MS Infantry
- Densmore Winston Smith 1830-1894, CoK 38 Reg MS
- Jasper N Smith 1841 – 1862, Pvt Co H, 7th MS Infantry
- Newton Oscar Smith 1842 – 1862, Pvt Co H, 7th MS Infantry
- Rankin Smith, b 1844, Pvt Capt. Hoskin’s Battery, MS Light Artillery
- William George Smith 1842 – 1862, Pvt. 38 Reg MS Calvary Co K
- William J Smith 1835 – 1862, Pvt Co H, 7th MS Infantry
- Thomas Jefferson Spurlock, 1811 – 1878, Asst. Surgeon, 14th Reg. Calvary
Our family’s Spanish – American War Soldiers (1898):
- Dudley Atkinson Brumfield, 1879 – 1971, Private, Co H, MS Infantry
- Henry Sims Brumfield, Jr., 1877 – 1959, Private, Co H, MS Infantry
- Willis Brumfield, 1876 – 1953, Private, Co H, MS Infantry
Our family’s World War I Soldiers (1917 – 1918):
- Dewitt Talmadge Alford, 1893 – 1967, US Army
- Elmer C. Alford, 1890 – 1966, US Army, 345th Infantry
- Hollis Victor Alford, 1897 – 1968, US Army, 114 Engineer
- Eugene Hart Brady, 1888 – 1930, 2nd Lt US Army
- Peter Brady, 1891 – 1951
- Thomas Joseph Brady, 1896 – 1986
- Hubert Allen Brown, 1894 – 1971, Private US Army
- Jewel E. Brumfield, 1900 – 1972; US Navy
- Leura McCauley Brumfield, 1887 – 1948
- Harry Lewis Creasy, 1891 – 1950
- Alfred Eugene Fortenberry, 1879 – 1953
- Clarence Archie Fortenberry, 1895 – 1980, US Army
- Burl Harding Fortenberry, 1893 – 1982, US Army 116 Engineer
- George Kellie Fortenberry, 1889 – 1959, US Army
- Robert Fortenberry, 1897 – 1969
- Samuel Floyd Fortenberry, 1889 – 1964
- Willis Franklin Fortenberry 1896 – 1968, US Army
- Ernest S Gruissy, b 1893 – 1953
- Charles Forest Mark, 1892 – 1967
- Eslie Guy Mark, 1890 – 1972
- Culver Lamer Ott, 1895 – 1924
- Curtis D Ott, 1892 – 1975, US Army
- Edward S. Ott, 1892 – 1982, US Army; also served in WWII
- John Jacob Ott, Jr., 1884 – 1974; also served in WWII
- Percy W Ott, 1889 – 1977, Cpt. US Army, 603rd Engineers
- Elmer Ritter, b 1887
- Frederick Isaac Ritter, 1893 – 1975
- Adolphus Oliver Smith, 1888 – 1966, US Army CoD 102 Infantry
- Wyatt Calvin Smith, 1895 – 1974
Our family’s Wolrd War II Soldiers (1941 – 1945):
- Amos Alford, 1919 – 1985, US Army
- Eugene W. Brady 1923 – 1981 US Navy
- Borden Hamilton Brown 1921 – 1955, US Navy
- Everett Earl Brown, 1919 – 2001, US Army
- Bradford Brumfield, 1922 – 1999, US Navy
- Charles Edgar Brumfield, 1918 – 1944, LT. in US Army Air Corps
- Dudley Copeland Brumfield, 1909 -2002, US Navy
- John Edward Brumfield, 1916 – 2011, US Navy
- Max Brumfield, 1921 – 2004, US Marine
- Nelson Isaac Brumfield, b 1915, US Marine
- Robert Hugh Brumfield, 1901 – 1978, US Navy
- Selwyn Alex Brumfield, 1919 – 1981, US Army
- Adrian Woodrow Fortenberry, b 1918, US Navy
- Burrell W. Fortenberry, 1927 – 1984, US Army
- Clifton Fortenberry, 1917 – 1992, US Navy
- Gilbert Fortenberry, b 1922, US Army
- Homer Fortenberry, 1926 – 1978, US Navy
- Jim Finely Fortenberry, 1895 – 1949
- Joe Glen Fortenberry, 1918 – 2004, US Army
- Kendrick Fortenberry, 1917 – 2002, US Navy
- Weldon Willis Fortenberry, b 1920, served in South Pacific
- William H. Fortenberry, 1923 – 1986, US Marine
- William Jackson Fortenberry, b 1920, US Navy
- Henry Leissinger, 1918 – 1980
- Guy Eugene Mark 1923 – 1945, Killed & buried in Guadalcanal
- Owen A. Mark 1915 – 1993, US Army
- Harold Jay Nee 1924 – 2002, US Army
- Edward S. Ott, 1892 – 1982, Brig. General US Army; received many decorations
- Isaac William Ott, 1903 – 1976, Brig. Gen, US Air Force
- John Jacob Ott, Jr., 1884 – 1974; also served in WWI
- Nelson Tate Ott, 1917 – 1996, Captain US Air Force
- Walter Wesley Ott, 1917 – 2006, Lt. Col., US Air Force
- William Mayo Ott, 1923 – 1996, US Army
- Dominic Palilla, 1922 – 2008, US Army
- Benarr Jesse Reynolds, US Army
- Billy Smith, US Marine
- Faye Seward Smith, 1921 – 1998, US Army
Other Soldiers from our family:
- Hugh Frances Brown, 1933 – 2000
- Larry L. Brown, 1937 – 2004, US Army
- Leo D. Brown, 1930 – 2017, US Air Force
- Lynn Holly Brown, 1932 – 2016, US Navy
- Robert A. Brown, 1939 – 2017, US Air Force
- Burrell W. Fortenberry, 1927 – 1984
- Kenneth Keith Fortenberry, 1925 – 1987, US Army
Websites for Military Research:
- 16th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry
- 120th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry
- Alabama Civil War Service Database
- American Battle Monuments Commission
- Cindi’s List for World Wide Military Links
- Civil War Soldiers & Sailors System
- Daughters of the American Revolution
- Fold3
- Georgia Archives Includes COnfederate Records
- The Journey Through Hollowed Ground
- National Archives
- NARA Civil War
- NARA WWII List of Dead & Missing Army & Air Force
- NARA WWII State by State Casualities Navy, Marine, Air Force
- NARA Vietnam War
- NARA WWII Many resources
- National Society, Sons of the American Revolution
- Ohio Civil War Central
- Pennsylvania State Archives
- Revolutionary War Soldiers for North and South Carolina
- Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War National Graves Database
- Sons of Confederate Veterans Gravee
- Southern Campaign Revolutionary War Pension Statements & Rosters
- US Army In WWII ‘Green Books’
- US Veterans Grave site Locator
Military Blogs:
Books for Military Research:
- Ballard, Michael B., Civil War in Mississippi: Major Campaigns and Battles ( Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 2011).
- Bergeron, Arthur W., Guide to Louisiana Confederate Military Units, 1861-1865 (Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 1989).
- Butler, John P. Index to the Papers of the Continental Congress,1774–1789. 5 vols. Washington: National Archives [NA], 1978.
- Howell, H. Grady, Mississippi Rifles: A Muster Listing of all Known Mississippi soldiers, Sailors and Marines Who served in the Mexican War, 1846-1848 ( Greenville, SC: Southern Historical Press, Inc., 2005).
- Jones, Terry L., Louisiana in the Civil War (North Charleston, SC: CreateSpace Independent Publishing, 2015).
- Lackey, Richard S. Frontier Claims in the Lower South (New Orleans: Polyanthos, 1977) War of 1812
- Rowland, Mrs. Dunbar, Mississippi Territory in the War of 1812 (Baltimore, MD: Clearfield Publishing CO., 2005).
- Shellie, Ron, Lest We Forget, The Immortal Seventh Mississippi (Birmingham, AL: Banner Digital Printing and Publishing, Inc.,).
- Varhola, Michael O., Life in Civil War America (OH: Family Tree Books, 1999).
My name is Andrew (AJ) Mark. Grandson to Carl and Nancy Mark, Great Grandson to Miles and Helen Mark. I’m Currently in the Marine Corps. ANd very interested in where exactly I come from. Somehow, someway, I think we may be related! I am currently trying to research where I come from. Somewhere along the way the knowledge has been lost. I have traced it back to Abraham Mark (1812). I was wondering if you have found anymore information on him? If s
How can I contact you?
John Joseph Brady Sr, my grandfather was a master sergeant in the Army in WWII