Welcome to Our Leaves & Branches
Welcome to all of you family members, genealogists and internet wanderers. This website is all about the Leaves & Branches on my family tree, which is actually a forest of assorted names and locations. Check out the branches to discover if you share a leaf or two. My family tree is always growing so be sure to return & look again.
Surnames Here are the main family trees. Click on any name that may also be a part of your family tree. My goal is to include names, dates, descendants, photographs, documents & sources for this information. Related? Contact me to share & compare.
Locations Here you can find my family names associated with each location, useful websites and blogs, books and other resources that are helpful for research there. Do you have a favorite resource: archive, book, website to share? Let me know.
Cemeteries These are the final resting places of my ancestors; peaceful places to stop & remember. Names & dates are here.
Obituaries. Read these obituaries to learn more about the lives of our ancestors. Some of them are brief but others are colorful & informative.
Soldiers. Our family most likely has many more soldiers than those listed here. These are the men whose service records I have been able to verify. They were brave men who stepped in harm’s way to ensure the liberty and safety of those at home.
Visit my blog, “Leaves & Branches“, for information on my current research, new discoveries, missing ancestors, memories and other miscellaneous posts. Go to the Name Index to see who has been included in my blog posts.
This website is always changing as I include newly uncovered information. Check back soon for more content. – – – Thanks for spending time here. Colleen cgbp[at]nycap.rr.com