Evidence points to Christian Gruissy, Sr. as the first of this branch of the family to come to the United States from Switzerland. At this time we have no record of his voyage from Switzerland but we find him in Sugar Creek, Ohio on 8 April 1837 when he purchased sixty acres of land.
To all whom these presents shall come, Greeting. Know ye that I Christina Haney for the consideration of seven hundred dollars received to full satisfaction of Christian Greesy do give, grant, bargain, sell and confirm onto to him the said Christian Greesy the following described tract, or lot of land situated in the County of Stark in the State of Ohio and being part of the N. W. qt. of section number thirty five in Township No. Eleven, in range number ten, and boundaries following: beginning at the corner post in the Northern Boundary of said Section then westwardly with the Northern Boundary line for thirty chains, thence south wordly by a line parallel with the eastern Boundary line of said quarter section thirty chains thence, east thirty chains, thence north thirty chains to the place of beginning Containing sixty acres. To have and to hold the above premises…unto him the said Christian Greesy his heirs forever.[1]
[1] Deed, land purchase from Christian Haney to Christian Greesey, 8 April 1837, Volume T, page 445, General Index to Deeds Microfilm Volume T, pages 445 & 446, Stark Co. District Library, 715 Market St., Canton.
Read More About
- Augustus Ceaser Gruissy 1840 – 1915
- Christian Gruissy bc 1972
- Christian Gruissy 1811 – 1907
- Harry Lewis Creasy 1891 – 1950
- Philip M. Creasy 1868 – 1934
- Rephenia C. (Gruissy) Nichols 1870 – 1943